In India, at the Fertilityworld IVF clinic in Delhi, more than 35,000 IVF cycles are completed yearly with a high success rate. IVF in India for foreigners has become one of the favorite destinations in the world, for IVF treatments it costs USD 4500 for self-Cycle to 6500 for Donor cycle IVF. Thousands of desperate infertile couples traveled to New Delhi and have achieved parenthood via IVF treatment in India with India’s most successful IVF specialists Dr. Nidhi Sharma and Dr Pammy Murthy, who have created miracles for childless couples.

IVF in India for foreigners at Fertilityworld clinic contacts

The fertilityworld Best IVF center in India opens equal privileges for all infertile foreigners to receive IVF treatments in its center. The center provides assisted reproductive technology such as In-Vitro Fertilization(IVF), Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), freezing of eggs, semen cryopreservation, and surgical sperm extractions, semen analysis test, and all fertility medications at an affordable cost to foreigners in India.

IVF success rates in India 

India, one of the most advanced in assisted reproductive technology (ART) is producing a higher IVF success rate. The fertilityworld is recognized as the best IVF center in India for its outstanding performance in the overall fertility field starting from dedicated fertility specialists, lower-cost fertility treatments, excellent infrastructure, and its ultra fertility laboratory. All these facilities’ availability helps the center to produce the highest IVF success rates in India. The fertilityworld is been helping thousands of foreign desperate couples, parents, and single parents who wish to achieve parenthood. 

The chart depicts the fertilityworld IVF success rates in India:


You can also visit the IVF success rate in India, and understand how fertilityworld produces IVF treatment success rates in India.

How do foreigners reach the fertilityworld for IVF in India?

Today, Infertility has been increasing all over the world at a high rate. So there is a continuous demand for infertility treatments worldwide. However many countries do not have the necessary facilities to cater to a large volume of treatments and also the cost is very high. There are few countries where this balance is bridged and India is one among them and welcomes any international patients looking for IVF treatments in India.

In the Fertilityworld with all the fertility facilities available, infertility treatments are affordable for all people and unlike a few other countries, there are no longer waiting periods and less stringent regulations by the Indian government for infertility treatment.

To help such people from other countries to come to India for infertility treatments, The fertilityworld has created the easiest way to welcome any International Patients looking for IVF treatments in India at the fertilityworld. A simple process is provided for registration or booking an appointment via Call: +91 9311850412 or Email: info@fertilityworld.in starting from your country.

IVF in India for foreigners at a lower IVF cost

The fertilityworld provides complete IVF treatments to all International couples and all other fertility treatments at an affordable cost. The fertilityworld executes complete IVF treatments beginning from registration, consultations, legalities, and IVF processes at an affordable IVF cost of 4,000 to 5,500 USD which is much cheaper than any other Country.

An inclusive IVF cost covers the following expenditures:

  • Receive free first consultations.
  • Visa Invitation,
  • Airport pick-up and drop-off,
  • Arrangements of apartments or hotels,
  • IVF Medications and Blood tests,
  • IVF treatment process- Stimulation, ovulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo development, embryo implantation, pregnancy, and delivery of the baby if requested.
  • Doctors’ fees, Other minute expenditures
  • Return home with a healthy Baby/with a 100% healthy pregnancy.
  • For a complete IVF Cost discussion, compensation or discount kindly write to us at finance@fertilityworld.in

In India, there is no other single specialty that is growing at the highest pace of foreign IVF treatment in India, it has become the most mass segment in recent years.

The fertilityworld IVF Centers in India for foreigners

The fertilityworld ranked as the Best IVF Center in India has been functioning smoothly in every state of India with its well-established IVF Clinic/Center. The center welcomes any international patients looking for IVF treatments in any of the following fertilityworld IVF centers:

Most demanded IVF Centers for Foreigners in India

Among the provided IVF Centers of the fertilityworld, the most common and demanded IVF Centers are metro cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune, and Hyderabad. Chennai is one of the most IVF treatments done for foreigners because of a well-known IVF specialist Dr.Pammy Murthy with over 35+ years of experience in the fertility field working as the managing director at Miracle Advanced Reproductive Center Chennai.  Also, we have other top IVF Doctors in every fertilityworld IVF center, please visit, Best IVF Doctors in India, Best IVF doctors in Delhi, Best IVF doctors in Mumbai, Best IVF doctors in Chennai, Best IVF doctors in Hyderabad, 20 Best IVF doctors in Bangalore, 21 Best IVF doctors in Pune, Best IVF doctors in Kolkata, Best IVF doctors in Guwahati, Assam

Let us make you understand the IVF treatments:

In-vitro fertilization (IVF)/IVF Technology

IVF is a simple process of assisted reproductive technology (ART), whereby the woman’s egg is retrieved and male sperm is collected. They are combined to get fertilized in the laboratory (outside the human body). The embryo gets implanted into the woman’s uterus to carry the pregnancy. To get a complete Idea behind IVF, please read “What is IVF Technology”.

IVF Process step by step

The process of IVF is a simple and painless procedure, the process involves following the respective steps to succeed in the IVF treatments: 

  1. Book an appointment
  2. Initial Consultation
  3. Ovulation.
  4. Trigger Injection
  5. Egg retrieval
  6. Semen Sample Collection
  7. Fertilize the egg with the sperm
  8. Embryo Transfer into the Uterus
  9. The luteal phase
  10. The pregnancy test

Understand the complete details of IVF from the link IVF Process step by step.

Is IVF a painful or painless procedure?

Every individual body responds to IVF treatment differently; people experience different sensations. What may seem difficult to some may not be for others. This is a reason to not be too concerned about how much pain you will experience when undergoing IVF treatment. Every patient reacts differently to the procedure and may experience some discomfort or may not. It is normal to feel some discomfort. Our well-experienced experts explain everything and offer comfort throughout the process, read here Is IVF a painful procedure

Qualifications of foreigners in IVF treatment in India

The fertilityworld IVF Center makes it easy for couples living outside India to come for treatment by providing an extensive range of services in a friendly and personal manner and advises you to work in cooperation with your local doctor so that your time spent in India is kept to a minimum. All foreigners (i.e. patients holding non-Indian passports) seeking IVF treatment at the fertilityworld are advised to have a valid medical visa and other relevant documents, if any, specific to their country. 

  • The maximum age limit for women who want to conceive through IVF in India should be 50 years.
  • Women with poor-quality eggs
  • Women with damaged or blocked Fallopian tubes,
  • Males with low sperm count,
  • Males with oligospermia, Hyperspermia
  • Male having testicular atrophy
  • Women with PCOS, PCOS diet and pregnancy,
  • Either partners with the risk of some genetic disease
  • Unexplained infertility in either couple,
  • Women fail to ovulate due to irregular menstrual cycle
  • Presence of high blood levels of anti-sperm antibodies
  •  For families who wish to have additional children of a particular gender.
  • Diminished ovarian function due to age
  • Women with bilateral tubal ligation
  • Women who had 3 unsuccessful cycles of infertility treatment,
  • Either couple with foamy urines in the morning

To understand the signs behind male infertility without treatments please visit “What is the sign of Infertility in Males”. 

Knowledge to be gained before IVF treatments by foreigners in India

Indians have become more receptive to fertility treatments that have led to the mushrooming of chains offering fertility services to any citizens. The fertilityworld entry into fertility services for more than two decades has made IVF services more affordable and easily accessible to all middle-class patients from around the world. Our specialists have the best suggestions for any foreign patients undergoing IVF treatments. Around 70% of the fertilityworld patients are the younger generation in their late 20s and about 35% are above 35 years.

What are the reasons for rising infertility?

The reasons for rising infertility among this younger generation is because of the following reasons:

  • Lack of exercise,
  • Uses of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs
  • Frequent exposure to heat due to prolonged use of gadgets,
  • The lifestyle of today’s generation.

Who is responsible for not getting pregnant in couples?

According to the fertilityworld laparoscopic surgeon experiences, earlier women were targeted and accounted for the major causes of not getting pregnant but now many young men are also seeking help to tackle fertility issues with specialists. Today a lot of infertility cases are related to males also.

Statistically, about 30% of infertility cases are borne in males and 30% by females, and others are contributed equally or unevenly by both the partners, “said the fertilityworld Gynaecologist and infertility specialists ‘. Also read, “What is the reason for IVF Failure”.

What younger generations are seeking today?

Today, in addition to those seeking fertility treatments, many younger generations are choosing to freeze reproductive cells or embryos in their early 20s and using them later for IVF treatment, the fertilityworld also provides these freezing services to all patients wishing to preserve their reproductive cells at the lowest possible cost. See egg donation in India|Egg donor Bank and Semen Freezing or semen cryopreservation.

Final Decision:

Did you get your search information related to IVF treatments? 

In India, the fertilityworld IVF center is the best fertility service provider for foreigners, specializing in IVF treatments at an affordable cost. If you’re a foreigner looking for IVF treatments in India, register with us today, we will take care of you till your parenthood is fulfilled. To know any information relating to IVF, Donor assistance (egg/sperm), surrogate mother arrangements, and any other fertility treatments or services information in India please write to us at support@fertilityworld.in. We provide free consultations. For a complete discussion about the IVF Cost, Donor Cost, compensation, any fertility-related treatment cost, or discount in India please write to us at finance@fertilityworld.in. We provide free consultations.

Who is eligible for IVF in India?

According to the draft of the Bill, the maximum age limit of women who want to conceive through IVF should be 50 years, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan told ThePrint. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) includes artificial insemination, IVF, and surrogacy.

How much does IVF cost in India in dollars?

The average cost of an IVF cycle can be anywhere between 4,500 to 6000 USD. There may be additional medicines and tests required – or procedures like Frozen Embryo Transfer – that can further escalate the cost, that will be clear in consultation or before the procedure starts, the price comes after a complete case study for every individual.

Is IVF successful in India?

The success rate of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in India at the fertility world centre are within the rage of 75% and 90% every embryo transfer. That implies that numerous couples don’t succeed in their first IVF cycle and they need to opt for the second cycle of IVF soon after that.


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